Our Mission

“Dedicated to empowering children with cancer and their families, our nonprofit provides unwavering support, fostering resilience, hope, and a united community to navigate the challenges of pediatric cancer together.”

About Bryson

At the age of 13, I was first introduced to the unwelcome companion of my life – synovial cell sarcoma in my right knee. Multiple surgeries and bouts of radiation became the initial chapters of my arduous journey. Little did I know that this battle was only the prologue to a narrative that would test my resilience, strength, and spirit. At 17, the plot thickened as I faced my second diagnosis. Twenty tumors had taken refuge in both my lungs. Undeterred, I confronted the challenge head-on, navigating the realms of chemotherapy, radiation, and an open chest surgery that saw a part of my lungs removed. The fight was relentless, but so was my determination to not let cancer dictate the course of my life. The script took an unexpected turn at 19 when I received my third diagnosis. A tumor had found its way to my thymus, nestled in the center of my chest. Another open chest surgery and rounds of radiation followed, marking yet another chapter in my tumultuous relationship with cancer. In the midst of these trials, I found solace and strength. I married my beautiful wife, a beacon of support and a partner in overcoming the storms that life had thrown our way. With her by my side, I embarked on a journey that went beyond mere survival – I thrived. Running a triathlon became a testament to the victory of spirit over adversity. The finish line symbolized not just the completion of a physical race but the triumph of my will to live fully despite the challenges that had come my way. Most importantly, I discovered happiness amid the shadows of hardship. The scars, physical and emotional, became markers of my journey, each telling a story of battles fought and resilience found. Through the darkness, I emerged into a new dawn of gratitude, perspective, and an unwavering belief in the beauty of life. I have come to realize that cancer, though an unwelcome visitor, is not the conclusion of one’s story. Instead, it serves as a catalyst for a new beginning and a fresh way of thinking. My journey is a testament to the fact that life after cancer is not just possible; it can be fulfilling, joyful, and rich with meaning. As I continue to embrace this newfound life, our mission is clear: “We’re dedicated to empowering children with cancer and their families, our nonprofit provides unwavering support, fostering resilience, hope, and a united community to navigate the challenges of pediatric cancer together.”

Our Board